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1 21.10.2003 UKTFCL 60 : 10 [TEG]

TEG vs rJ. - UKTFCL Match vom 21.10.2003                Endstand: 60 : 10
Jeah Baby!!! "Endlich" war es soweit, wir bestritten unser ERSTES STEAM MATCH!!! Und wie nicht anders zu erwarten war, verlief das Match von Beginn an alles andere als problemlos. Ausgemacht war das Match für 21.00 Uhr, wirlich begonnen hats dann um 21.45 Uhr. Der Grund dafür lag an einer Mißkonfiguration des burstfire-Servers, der es vielen Gamern einfach nicht erlaubte den Server zu joinen. Also wechselten wir auf unseren NEUEN STEAM SERVER "Dojo der Shaolinmade", der uns schon im Training vorher nicht im Stich gelassen hatte und auch fürs Match hielt was er versprochen hatte :)

So, für alle, die nicht der Englischen Sprache mächtig sind, is jetzt Sendepause, weil der Rest des Berichts in genau diesem Kauderwelsch folgen wird :PPP (vielleicht erbarmt sich ja wieder eine andere TEG-Made *Zer0zuzwinker* und verfasst was auf Deutsch :)


This night was the night of our FIRST STEAM MATCH for which we surly trained a minimum of 30 minutes in steam to perform as follows *g* Yap, STEAM SUXX, as we had to make out when we all tried to join our server one hour before match-start. Noone but a few were able to do so and we began to think about resheduling. But suddenly it worked and we could train one map as described above :)
The match had been arranged to be played on a burstfire-server, which didn´t grant access to most of our and rJ´s people. Therefore we decided to play on our NEW STEAM SERVER "Dojo der Shaolinmade" that provided a stable ping for nearly everyone, didn´t it? :P
1.Halbzeit 2fort     
Match: 262
Gegner: rJ.
Map: 2fort2fort was the map we had trained befor match-start which hadn´t been necessary in the end :)
Although our offies had a couple of problems capping the nme´s flag as we´re used to it, our deffies stood steady. Nothing but a few touches for rJ. on that map and the flag never got out the FR. So it was business as usual for our def. Funnily enough we had to change our def setup on the verge of the map. Our elevator-deffy Kharn wasn´t able to connect because of some computer issues and so we hat to replace him with Darky who didn´t count himself lucky to play that position *g*
Nevertheless our off capped in stages all over the map which wasn´t a big surprise with that excellent rear cover ;)

Result: 40:0
2.Halbzeit openfire_lowgre     
Match: 262
Gegner: rJ.
Map: openfire_lowgreOh my god!!! Openfire in all its variations is all in all one of the crappiest maps concerning our statistics. For god´s sake Kharn managed to solve his computer problems and joined the server to reinforce our def. Nevertheless, most of our members like that map though we still couldn´t manage to create a working 4d4o setup. Therefore we played our beloved 5d3o setup to stand a chance against our nme´s attacks.
rJ. did a good job right from the beginning. Our flag was in move all the time and our sec downed continuous though our swich-soli performed wery well. We were able to return many flags. Seemed like we fought better when the flag was outside security :) Unfortunately rJ. were able to cap after about 15 mins because they had taken our flag to the main entrance :( It was time to react!
We decided to break up our defense and sent one of our deffies to the front without any profit. So we sent another deffy by hoping rJ. would therefore tighten their def. Gladly this worked out :))) Now playing 3d5o we could steal 3 flags in 5 minutes and took the lead which we didn´t want to give away again. Full-def would have been the key but we succeeded by defending our flag with only 7 people :PPP

Result: 20:10
Outstanding match except for a few ping problems and a bunch of potshots *g*
Good luck to rJ. for the upcoming matches and remember: STEAM SUXX!!! when it´s not working :)


Final Result: 60:10

Autor: Spinner